Seat | Biltwell | Thinline | Smooth Seat | Biltwell | Thinline | Smooth Seat | Biltwell | Thinline | Smooth Seat | Biltwell | Thinline | Smooth
Seat | Biltwell | Thinline | Smooth Seat | Biltwell | Thinline | Smooth Seat | Biltwell | Thinline | Smooth Seat | Biltwell | Thinline | Smooth
Seat | Biltwell | Thinline | Smooth
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Small 6cm

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Délai de livraison estimé

5 jour(s)

€ 129,95
Incl. TVA, par piece

Stock : 0

Variante: Seat | Biltwell | Thinline | Smooth
Quantité : 
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Thinline Solo Seat

  • Stamped steel pan with reinforcement ribs and black electroplated finish
  • Carriage bolts on the bottom of seats slide inside two channels so they can be fine-tuned in their location relative to the bungs on the frame
  • Molded polyurethane foam with hand-stitched vinyl covers available in tuck n' roll, diamond and smooth designs
  • Ca. 30cm long and ca. 25cm width.

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